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58 void slice(std::vector<Double_t> &x, UInt_t numx, UInt_t numy, TH2F* hist, Bool_t inPhaseSpace = true);
double transform(TH1F *hist1, TH1F *hist2, double x) Definition: AbsDensity.cpp:179 virtual AbsPhaseSpace * phaseSpace()=0 Return phase space definition for this PDF. void setMajorant(Double_t majorant) Set majorant for accept-reject method. Definition: AbsDensity.hh:79 Double_t generate(std::vector< Double_t > &x) Generate a single point within the phase space according to the PDF using accept-reject method... Definition: AbsDensity.cpp:99 void setMaxTries(UInt_t maxTries) Set maximum number of tries for accept-reject method. Definition: AbsDensity.hh:85 virtual Double_t density(std::vector< Double_t > &x)=0 Calculate PDF value at the given point. Double_t m_majorant PDF majorant (maximum PDF value needed for accept-reject). Definition: AbsDensity.hh:121 void slice(std::vector< Double_t > &x, UInt_t num, TH1F *hist) Calculate 1D slice of the PDF. Definition: AbsDensity.cpp:25 Generated by ![]() |