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void normalise(void) Normalise the PDF such that the average PDF value over the allowed phase space equals to 1... Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:898 void addToMap(std::vector< Double_t > &map, std::vector< Double_t > &point, Double_t widthScale=1., Double_t weight=1.) Add a kernel density of a single data point to the binned map. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:429 AbsDensity * m_widthScaleDensity Reference to PDF used for kernel width scaling. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.hh:501 void fillMapFromTree(TTree *tree, std::vector< TString > &vars, UInt_t maxEvents=0, UInt_t skipEvents=0) Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:528 std::vector< Double_t > m_approxMap Bin map of approximation PDF convolved with the kernel. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.hh:489 Double_t density(std::vector< Double_t > &x) Calculate PDF density at the point. Multilinear binned interpolation is used which is calculated in t... Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:1072 Double_t mapDensity(std::vector< Double_t > &map, std::vector< Double_t > &x) Calculate the raw density using the binned map (estimated or approximation) at a given point... Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:971 UInt_t iterToIndex(std::vector< UInt_t > &iter) Convert an N-dimensional iterator vector into a linear bin index in the bin map. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:416 AbsDensity * m_approxDensity Reference to approximation PDF. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.hh:498 void writeToTextFile(const char *fileName) Write the binned PDF to a text file. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:751 void init(AbsPhaseSpace *thePhaseSpace, TTree *tree, std::vector< TString > &vars, std::vector< UInt_t > &binning, std::vector< Double_t > &width, AbsDensity *widthScale, AbsDensity *approx=0, UInt_t toyEvents=0, UInt_t maxEvents=0, UInt_t skipEvents=0) Common initialise method used by all constructors. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:352 Double_t m_maxValue Maximum value of the width scale PDF to be used for scaling. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.hh:516 Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.hh:14 void writeToRootFile(const char *fileName) Write the binned density into a ROOT file. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:814 Double_t m_minValue Minimum value of the width scale PDF to be used for scaling. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.hh:513 void fillMapFromDensity(AbsDensity *theDensity, UInt_t toyEvents=0) Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:615 void writeToFile(const char *fileName) Write density map to file depending on extension. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:739 std::vector< UInt_t > m_binning Vector of bin numbers in each variable. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.hh:492 AdaptiveKernelDensity(const char *pdfName, AbsPhaseSpace *thePhaseSpace, TTree *tree, const char *vars1, UInt_t bins1, Double_t width1, AbsDensity *widthScale, AbsDensity *approx=0, UInt_t toyEvents=0, UInt_t maxEvents=0, UInt_t skipEvents=0) Constructor for 1-dimensional adaptive kernel PDF from the sample of points in an NTuple... Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.cpp:35 void setFractionalMode(Bool_t mode=true) Set fractional mode of operation. Definition: AdaptiveKernelDensity.hh:424 Generated by ![]() |