Go to the documentation of this file.
57 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Creating binned density over %dD phase space from density \"%s\"\n", m_name, dim, d->name() );
60 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: Dimensionality of phase space (%d) does not match binning vector size (%d)\n",
118 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: index (%d) is larger than array size (%d)\n", m_name, index, size);
145 BinnedDensity::BinnedDensity(const char* pdfName, AbsPhaseSpace* thePhaseSpace, const char* filename, Double_t cutoff) : AbsDensity(pdfName) {
172 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: Phase space dimensionality not found in file \"%s\"\n", m_name, filename);
176 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Reading binned density over %dD phase space from text file \"%s\"\n", m_name, dim, filename );
179 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: Dimensionality of phase space (%d) does not match binning vector size (%d)\n",
238 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: Error reading map from file \"%s\", index %d\n", m_name, filename, index);
243 if ((index % 100) == 0 && Logger::timer(2)) Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Index %d, density=%f\n", m_name, index, e);
246 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: index (%d) is larger than array size (%d)\n", m_name, index, size);
295 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Reading binned density over %dD phase space from ROOT file \"%s\"\n", m_name, dim, filename );
298 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: Dimensionality of phase space (%d) does not match binning vector size (%d)\n",
339 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: Map size (%d) does not match number of entries in MapTree (%d)!\n", m_name,
362 // Logger::print(0,"%20.20s ERROR: Error reading map from file \"%s\", index %d\n", m_name, filename, index);
365 if ((index % 100) == 0 && Logger::timer(2)) Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Index %d, density=%f\n", m_name, index, e);
368 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s ERROR: index (%d) is larger than array size (%d)\n", m_name, index, size);
409 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Writing binned density to text file \"%s\"\n", m_name, filename );
448 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: index (%d) is larger than array size (%d)\n", m_name, index, size);
473 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Writing binned density to ROOT file \"%s\"\n", m_name, filename );
524 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: index (%d) is larger than array size (%d)\n", m_name, index, size);
604 Logger::print(-1,"DEBUG: Weight fraction: dim%d, i=%d, x=%f, x1=%f, x2=%f, fweight=%f\n", j, iter[j], x[j], xj1, xj2, fweight);
virtual Double_t upperLimit(UInt_t var)=0 Return upper allowed limit of the variable. BinnedDensity(const char *pdfName, AbsPhaseSpace *thePhaseSpace, AbsDensity *d, UInt_t bins1, UInt_t bins2=0, UInt_t bins3=0, UInt_t bins4=0, UInt_t bins5=0) Constructor that creates the binned density from any AbsDensity of the dimensionality up to five... Definition: BinnedDensity.cpp:21 void readFromTextFile(const char *fileName) Read the binned density from a text file. The dimensionality of the density stored in the file should... Definition: BinnedDensity.cpp:162 Double_t m_cutoff Cutoff value (values in bins greater than cutoff will be make equal to cutoff). Definition: BinnedDensity.hh:144 void writeToFile(const char *fileName) Write the binned density into a file (ROOT or text format depending on the extension) ... Definition: BinnedDensity.cpp:398 virtual Double_t lowerLimit(UInt_t var)=0 Return lower allowed limit of the variable. int timer(int secs) Return 1 if more than a certain number of seconds have passed since the last call of this function or... Definition: Logger.cpp:13 void writeToRootFile(const char *fileName) Write the binned density into a ROOT file. Definition: BinnedDensity.cpp:471 void init(AbsPhaseSpace *thePhaseSpace, std::vector< UInt_t > &binning, AbsDensity *d) Common initalisation function used by both constructors from an AbsDensity. Definition: BinnedDensity.cpp:48 void readFromFile(const char *fileName) Read the binned density from a file, ROOT or text depending on the extension. The dimensionality of t... Definition: BinnedDensity.cpp:153 virtual Bool_t withinLimits(std::vector< Double_t > &x)=0 Check if the point is within phase space limits. virtual Double_t density(std::vector< Double_t > &x)=0 Calculate PDF value at the given point. std::vector< UInt_t > m_binning Vector of bin numbers for each variable. Definition: BinnedDensity.hh:135 void readFromRootFile(const char *fileName) Read the binned density from a ROOT file. The dimensionality of the density stored in the file should... Definition: BinnedDensity.cpp:270 AbsPhaseSpace * m_phaseSpace Reference to the phase space definition. Definition: BinnedDensity.hh:138 void writeToTextFile(const char *fileName) Write the binned density into a file. Definition: BinnedDensity.cpp:407 Double_t density(std::vector< Double_t > &x) Return the value of the PDF in a point. Definition: BinnedDensity.cpp:550 Generated by ![]() |