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44 sum += pars[pnum]*(TMath::Power(up - gMiddle[0], psum+1) - TMath::Power(low - gMiddle[0], psum+1))/(psum+1.);
172 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Dimensionality of the phase space is %d for constructor with 1 parameter\n", m_name, m_dim);
228 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Dimensionality of the phase space is %d for constructor with 2 parameters\n", m_name, m_dim);
302 Logger::print(2,"%20.20s ERROR: Number of TTree variables (%d) in tree \"%s\" does not correspond to phase space dimensionality (%d)\n",
321 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Will read branch \"%s\" from tree \"%s\"\n", m_name, vars[n].Data(), tree->GetName());
358 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: Read %lld/%lld events (%f%%)\n", m_name, i, nentries, 100.*float(i)/float(nentries));
362 Logger::print(0,"%20.20s INFO: %lld events read in from \"%s\"\n", m_name, nentries-nout, tree->GetName() );
Double_t gPoly2DInt(Double_t *pars, Int_t pow, __attribute__((unused)) AbsPhaseSpace *phsp) Definition: PolynomialDensity.cpp:101 void readTuple(TTree *tree, std::vector< TString > &vars, UInt_t maxEvents=0) Read Ntuple contaning data points to be used for the fit. Definition: PolynomialDensity.cpp:299 virtual Double_t upperLimit(UInt_t var)=0 Return upper allowed limit of the variable. void gPoly2DLH(Int_t &, Double_t *, Double_t &f, Double_t *pars, Int_t) Definition: PolynomialDensity.cpp:117 void gPoly1DLH(Int_t &, Double_t *, Double_t &f, Double_t *pars, Int_t) Definition: PolynomialDensity.cpp:52 Class that describes the uniform density over any phase space. Definition: UniformDensity.hh:11 virtual Double_t lowerLimit(UInt_t var)=0 Return lower allowed limit of the variable. Definition: OneDimPhaseSpace.hh:13 int timer(int secs) Return 1 if more than a certain number of seconds have passed since the last call of this function or... Definition: Logger.cpp:13 Double_t generate(std::vector< Double_t > &x) Generate a single point within the phase space according to the PDF using accept-reject method... Definition: AbsDensity.cpp:99 Double_t gPoly2D(Double_t *pars, Double_t x, Double_t y, Int_t pow) Definition: PolynomialDensity.cpp:82 virtual Bool_t withinLimits(std::vector< Double_t > &x)=0 Check if the point is within phase space limits. Double_t gPoly1DInt(Double_t *pars, Int_t pow, AbsPhaseSpace *phsp) Definition: PolynomialDensity.cpp:35 PolynomialDensity(const char *pdfName, OneDimPhaseSpace *thePhaseSpace, UInt_t maxPower, TTree *tree, const char *var, UInt_t maxEvents=0) Definition: PolynomialDensity.cpp:156 static std::vector< std::pair< Double_t, Double_t > > gIntegVector2D Definition: PolynomialDensity.cpp:17 Double_t density(std::vector< Double_t > &x) Calculate PDF value at the given point. Definition: PolynomialDensity.cpp:366 Generated by ![]() |